Stoppy is really easy to learn. It is also the most stylish stunt in bike stunting. We will learn how to da a baby stoppy 1st.
Take your bike to a 25 km/h speed on your second gear. This is a safe speed for a begginer. All we have to do is make your bike's front shock absorber pressed to the ground and apply a sudden front brake. For the 1st time your bike's tyres may slip. Don't be disapointed. Keep doing the same thing again and again until you get the bikes rear wheel released from the ground. If it is going bad again and again, give a little pressure on your petrol tank. That means, hold your petrol tank with your thighs and pull it upwords. You will defenitely get the result good. Do it 10 times and if you get it atleast 8 times, you are ready to learn a rolling stoppy. Dont be over exited. Because rolling stoppy is a little bit dangerous. If you loose your control, you will fall down and you will get a gift on your back nothing other than your bike.!Now take your bike to a 40-50 km/h speed, apply the action for a baby stoppy. Your bike will raise fast. Release the brake from a 100% to a 65% when your bike reaches a 50-60 degree. Thats it..!!!